How to Join

HOTAES membership is open to all tourism related companies and establishments within Eswatini.

If you’re interested in joining the Hospitality & Tourism Association of Eswatini, you can complete the form below, this will automatically be sent to the HOTAES administration team and they will contact you for further assistance.

Alternatively, you can download the relevant membership form below.

Please email the form to upon completion.

Why Join HOTAES?

Fully paid members receive a certificate of membership which in turn signifies tourism compliance within The Kingdom of Eswatini.

Marketing Benefit
+ Part of activity promoting of the tourism Industry in the Kingdom of Eswatini.
+ Included in the HOTAES WhatsApp group where you will get regular updates about what’s going on in the industry.
+ Be part of the Eswatini Tourism Authority (ETA) database as a HOTAES member.
+ Be included in regular marketing events.
+ Feature in social media and marketing activities.
+ Be part of industry networking.
Operational Benefit
+ Be involved in hurdles and disaster relief strategies and practice.
+ Have information and representation regarding promotion, support or opposing any legislation affecting tourism in the Kingdom of Eswatini.
+ Have access to advice, mediation, and general assistance in resolving disputes affecting the interests of you as a member, individually or as a whole.
+ Be part of the association represented to Government departments and any other agency on matters affecting the interests of the tourism industry in the country.
+ Able to attend HOTAES meetings and receive all new industry information and ideas.

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